Australian based, Positive T-Shirts is an upcoming youth suicide prevention movement. After being greatly impacted by youth suicide, founder Neil Milton, decided to make a change by creating this organisation.
Peeler Stickers is proud to present our new collab project with Positive T-Shirts. We have donated 500 customised stickers to add to their top quality apparel.
Not only do they provide comfort but they communicate a message to everyone who sees it. Like their apparel, these stickers aim to create awareness to prevent youth suicide.
All these proceeds go towards ‘IN2Life’ to train mentors to help respond to youths in need. Our goal is to raise up to $2500 once all stickers are sold.
We were lucky enough to catch an interview with Neil Milton: read below!
Why and how was Positive T Shirts started?
Positive T Shirts began in 2016 because we had a desire to prevent youth suicide. It is 8 people who end their life everyday in Australia and this is not good enough at all. It breaks our heart. We want to lower these statistics and make them zero. Our founder Neil Milton also witnessed someone end their life 20 years ago and it rocked him so it was obvious when starting a social enterprise and giving away profits of what cause I would give to.
The other reason it started was to create quality ethical clothing that can start a conversation about youth suicide. When people see our clothing and the slogans on them they always ask "where did you get that t-shirt?". This then starts a conversation about our brand stands for and then the person will begin to say how this brand connects with their own experiences. It's powerful!
What does it stand for?
This brand stands for all that is right in motivating people to prevent youth suicide. Suicide is preventable but it takes a community decision. We all have to be on the same page. We all have to want this to end.
Where do the profits go towards?
The profits go towards preventing youth suicide through an organisation called IN2Life they have social media pages such as "Coming together to prevent youth suicide", and school programs that aim to listen to young people and respond through their volunteer team. They also train young people to be first responders when a friend shares they might be suicidal. Research suggests that young people tell their mates before an adult that they are suicidal. This organisation is doing great things in this area. The profits go towards keeping these volunteers responding to young people and to their school programs. It goes to saving lives!
Why did you choose that organisation?
We chose this organisation because of their cutting edge approach and the evidence that they have seen over 200 people's lives that they have saved through their volunteers responding to young people. Also I know the heart of the founder of In2Life and there is natural synergy between what we are wanting to achieve in preventing youth suicide.
What interested you to collaborate with us?
Peeler Stickers is awesome and partnering with you helps us to offer another price point for those that want to get the message of Positive T Shirts our further than just clothing. We long to give anyone the opportunity to buy our products and for some people they won't buy clothing but they will buy a cool sticker for their car or laptop. Again, when people see it they will ask questions.
Check out www.positivetshirts.com.au to make your purchase and to #TalkOutLoud for the youths.
If your organisation is interested to team up with Peeler Stickers, let us know!